Efficacy of Double Layer of Tea Towel as Filter Medium
Tea towel filters do not confer the same protection as an N95 or N100 rated filter media. As such, you probably do not want to use a tea towel filter mask when intubating a patient…
Tea towel filters do not confer the same protection as an N95 or N100 rated filter media. As such, you probably do not want to use a tea towel filter mask when intubating a patient…
This is an improvement on my N95 Mask Using CPR Pocket Face Mask and Air Purifier HEPA Filter design. Compared to that design: Breathability is greatly improved by increasing the surface area of the…
WARNING: HEPA filters often contain fibreglass, which can cause lung damage and skin irritation. You should make sure that the fibreglass fibres from the filter media harvested from HVAC filters has been contained to your…
The below video features a relatively comfortable, re-usable N95 (or higher) mask that can be constructed easily in minutes using “disposable” materials on hand in most hospitals. The video also includes a simple decontamination…
Real-Life Viability Status: Half-baked Polypropylene (reusable shopping bag) surgical masks and possible DIY enhancements to filtering ability such as hydrocharging UPDATE #2: The middle layer of commercial surgical masks is made of webs of non-woven…